A Loved One Dies—Navigating the Path Forward: Tips for Handling Grief and Estate Matters

What to do in the first couple of days after losing a loved one?

The death of a loved one can be an incredibly challenging experience that can leave you feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what steps to take next. At this time, it is important to understand that you and others need time and space to grieve and the expression of that can be very different from one person to the next. We are not all the same. Be kind to yourself and others who are also grieving.

In this short article, we provide some essential steps to take when a loved one passes away.

Embracing Grief with Compassion
When a loved one passes, even if it was anticipated, it can be a sudden shock. It is important to remember that grief is a natural response to loss and that people handle it differently. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself the time and space to grieve, recognizing that the emotions you experience might take various forms.

Dealing with Greedy Relatives
Surprisingly and unfortunately, some individuals may show an unseemly eagerness to learn about the contents of the deceased person’s Will and become very demanding about the timing of their inheritance. It is important at this time to NOT distribute the estate’s funds before seeking legal advice. There are key steps here to be aware of. After the funeral or memorial service, consider seeking the advice of an estate lawyer to ensure the proper and fair handling of the deceased’s estate. Our team of experienced estate lawyers can help the executor in addressing their matter with any disgruntled or impatient relative.

It is now important to know where the ORIGINAL and LAST Will of the deceased is and who the appointed Executor is. Also, the death certificate needs to be obtained for any real action to take place. Until these are in place, no distributions can be made.

If any pushy person considers they have need of their inheritance before these steps are done, see your Estate Lawyer so they can assist in correcting that person’s perspective.  

If any of these things have concerned you, please see an Estate Lawyer such as Madsen Law for assistance.

Finding Gratitude Amidst Sorrow
During times of grief, it sometimes is challenging to see the light in the darkness. However, embracing a grateful spirit for the little things, even amidst sorrow, can provide strength and encouragement. Focus on the positive memories, things you can be grateful for, and joys you had with your loved one, as these can carry you through this difficult season.

In the words of A.A. Milne in ‘Winnie the Pooh’, “ Piglet noticed that even though he had a very small heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.”

Seeking Legal Advice
As an Executor of the deceased person’s Will, you have a lot of responsibility to handle the estate’s affairs correctly. You may have questions or uncertainties about your responsibilities. Generally, it is advisable to wait until you obtain the Death Certificate and have the Original Last Will of the deceased person before meeting with an estate lawyer, however, if you are in need of legal guidance earlier or you don’t know where their Will is or if they had one, seek legal advice when you can.

Madsen Law’s estate lawyers can help clarify what needs to be done, as well as address your concerns, and generally bring a sense of peace during this challenging time in a short conversation.  

Our friendly staff understand the complexities of Estate Law and are here to listen to your concerns and assist and support you moving forward. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us on 07 3209 7744.

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