Mediation & Conflict Resolution

Mediation helps people settle disputes, without going to court. Mediation can save you time, legal fees, and court costs.

Mediation increases the control the parties have over the resolution. Each party is directly involved in negotiating its own agreement to settle the dispute. You do not have a judge imposing a settlement if you can settle it in mediation.


What Is The Mediation Process?

As mediation is a voluntary process we will need to have both parties agree to mediation.

If both parties agree to attend mediation, our mediator will do an intake interview with each party individually.

At Madsen Law we provide private rooms, and if the intake interviews are successful we will organise a time for the mediation as soon as possible.

An outcome is hopefully reached. The result of an outcome is up to the parties involved as the mediator is impartial and cannot provide advice or bias.

If an agreement is reached by both parties this can be formalized in a verbal agreement or a written and signed agreement, if desired.

Logan Lawyers Providing Professional Legal Services

Types of Disputes We Mediate

  • Neighbourhood disputes involving fences, noise, children, pets and overhanging trees, etc
  • Family and intergenerational disputes
  • Workplace disputes
  • Commercial disputes
  • Employment disputes
  • Disputes over Wills & Estates

Our Mediators In Logan

Our Mediators have National Accreditation with the Dispute Resolution Branch. Our Mediators are impartial – meaning they don’t take sides. Mediation is also privileged—i.e. nothing you say during mediation can be used in court or shared with anyone else.

Our mediators don’t give advice or pass judgment. The mediator will guide you through a structured process, create an environment where all parties have a chance to speak and be heard. The mediator will keep the discussion moving smoothly so both parties, can be heard and hopefully come to a resolution.

 At Madsen Law, we don’t only offer family mediation, our professionals can also assist you with any other kind of dispute. Located in Logan, our mediators desire you to resolve your issue so you can move on with your life, no matter what your concern is. 

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