Your Lawyer For Domestic Violence Cases

Madsen Law will fight for you to achieve the best possible outcome.


Logan Lawyers Providing Professional Legal Services

Domestic Violence Isn't Always Visible

If you are experiencing harassment or domestic violence, you need to seek help urgently.

Our domestic assault lawyers can give you advice about making an application to court for protection. We know these steps are often taken in very difficult circumstances, and our specialists have helped many clients through these stages. It is important to feel supported during this time. We are responsive in a crisis and can take immediate action.

Court orders can be made without the other person being informed of your application until the court order has been made and served on them. These are called Temporary Protection Orders which prohibit the other person from using or threatening violence, or being abusive, harassing or pestering you.


If you are experiencing domestic violence or someone has lodged a protecting order against you, do not waste time, please urgently seek legal advice. 


Protect Yourself And Your family

The court can also make an order limiting and defining the occupation of your home. So for example, it can exclude the other person from the home altogether, even if he or she is the legal owner of that home.

Every case is different. Here are some of the steps we advise people in these difficult situations to think about:

  • Report any incidents to the police.
  • Go to your GP to document your injuries of violence or threatened violence if you have been assaulted.
  • Ask a trusted friend to take photographs of any injuries.
  • If abusive messages are left on your telephone or computer, then keep the messages.
  • Make diary notes so that you can recall the dates and incidents.

These can all be important pieces of evidence if you decide to apply to court for protection.

Call us today on 07 3209 7744


Logan Lawyers Providing Professional Legal Services

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